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技术介绍:Matched filtering
双击自动滚屏 发布者:admin 发布时间:2010/1/2 22:42:28 阅读:40372次 【字体:

Matched filtering

Matched filtering is an important signal processing function. The
transducer sends out unique transmit sequences, each of which can be
recognized by a matched filter. The key advantage is that the transmit
sequence can be expanded in time at a lower amplitude and transmitted
at a lower peak pressure amplitude level. This can reduce bioeffects
and contrast agent effects. It can also preserve axial resolution with
depth, and increased sensitivity and tissue penetration depth.

A variety of Matched filtering have been implemented. There are two
classical types of transmit waveforms, a coded binary sequence and a
chirped pulse, which are borrowed from radar.



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