1  Sonostar&#
2  Sonostar&n
3  Sonostar&#
4  We wi
5  We wi
6  Our O
7  We ar
8  Sonostar&n
9  Our 4
10  Our c
热门新闻 点击
 超声引导穿刺细胞学检 53976
 心脏彩色多普勒的应用 48936
 超声介入技术 47652
 技术介绍:TX be 44599
 B超术语解释 43580
 哪些病需B超检查? 42809
 超声显像诊断仪的分类 42756
 超声引导下穿刺治疗 42563
 宽景成像超声 42187
 索诺星产品进入欧洲市 41991
     新 闻 中 心
Our company has gained great achievement on the 74th CMEF Fair.
双击自动滚屏 发布者:sonostar 发布时间:2016/6/20 10:37:06 阅读:2103次 【字体:

During the exhibition, our sector scanner, convex array and linear series wireless probe have attracted the much attention of customers. Besides, our laptop color Doppler ultrasound scanner, B mode ultrasound scanner series , and touch-screen ophthalmic, bladder scanner also obtained approval from our customers and other manufacturers in this field.

Besides, the elegant decoration of our booth and promotional material, along with strong expansion promotion also impressed deeply in our customers.

Through this exhibition we has established cooperation relations with much more quality customers. Moreover, this exhibition further improved our reputation and brand recognition in the industry.


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