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SVC-50 Colposcope
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The system Is a collection of modern digital electronics and computer technology in one of the high-tech digital imaging system. Clear the check through the computer in real time parts of the image displayed on the computer monitor, its high-quality light source and high magnification microscopic clear images of the lesion can be identified. Doctors can observe lesions in the computer monitor, easy to operate, can be used for diagnosis and treatment of the two processes. At the same time, the use of ancillary digital image processing and graphics colposcopy reporting system, the images can observe the collection, freezing, analysis, processing, storage and printing integration, operation and management, for physicians, to provide better patient services. The system is widely used not only women inside and outside the reproductive system diseases (vulva, vagina, cervix and other parts) of the diagnosis, teaching and research. Sex crimes can also be applied, forensic medical malpractice, skin care and other fields.

Main Features:
1. The greatest feature of the new colposcopy, a more streamlined appearance, vision better,     more convenient operation;
2. Windows operating system, advanced logic design, friendly user interface, all icons of the    operation;
3. 800,000 pixel resolution to provide full-screen images;
4. 18 optical zoom, 12X digital zoom (216-fold zoom), so that subtle lesions clearly visible;
5. Fast auto focus or manual focus, control, flexibility;
6. The use of advanced high-brightness light source without the shadow, the more traditional light sources increased nearly 3 times the brightness, color temperature by 60%, the actual tissue lesions can reproduce the color;
7. With long-life LED ring lighting system, low heat, no shade, so that vascular imaging is more clear, more distinct context; light brightness adjustment according to clinical requirements in rapid succession, and the digital display light intensity;
8. With the camera buttons control the image zoom function, focus far, focus near you can adjust the image more clear;
9. Lens buttons adjust the brightness of light sources;
10. May at any time the required medical information and pictures burned on CD-ROM to prepare for teaching and clinical study of the use, eliminating the tedious process of making slides, this feature with optional recorder;
11. To facilitate the operation of physician use, the software can be adjusted and the lens control buttons are two ways to control the zoom and focus the image, hotline 051 685 653 220 Introduction to learn more about colposcopy;
12. Capture images either with the mouse operation, you can also use the foot switch operation;
13. Powerful image processing functions: can enhance, enlarge, mark, measure length, perimeter and area, gray value calculation, histogram, image rotation, and eight sets of false color to any setting, exchange;
14. Apparatus 6 are preserved in the report mode (single / double width, four, etc.), can be customized according to user requirements report card;
15. But also according to the needs of the hospital or the operating physician, any add, delete the contents of the inherent template;
16. Free operation of your health care designed to meet the requirements of the template;
17. With dynamic video and film playback, according to the requirements of clinicians disease or surgical procedure to set dynamic video, and recorded images of movie playback;
18. Cases of digital library management, can store up to 500,000 pictures, information, and can call on any cases where, add, delete;
19. Can generate online reports, the use of the Internet or local area network to send image information, resource sharing and remote consultation.

Image sensor: 1/4 "Super HAD CCD
Pixel: 800,000 pixels
Level resolution: 600 TVL TV line
Lens: 26 times zoom f = 3.5 to 91 mm (F1.6 to F3.8)
Digital variable times: 12 x (312 times zoom)
Level view Angle: 42.2 ° (proximal) to 1.6 ° (remote)
shortest bject distance: 32 mm (proximal), 1500 mm (remote)
Synchronous way: Internal/external synchronous (V-Lock)
Minimum intensity of illumination: Color 2.0 LUX/F1.4
SNR: More than 50 db
Electronic shutter: 1/1 s to 1/10000 s
White balance (AWB): Automatic and manual, indoor, outdoor, one-touch, wide dynamic
Automatic gain (AGC): Automatic and manual (Negative 3 to 18 dB section)
AE control:
Automatic/hand/preferred mode/brightness/EV compensation/backlight compensation
EV compensation: -10.5 to + 10.5 dC (1.5 dB section)
The backlight compensation (BLC): On/off
Screen: Mode display, the clock display date, the title display
Focus way: Automatic (sensitivity; normal, low) one-touch, manual, infinity
Word effect: Electrical flip, reverse effect, mirror effect, black and white, the static
Work conversion: Remote scaling, proximal zoom
Video output:  VCS: 1.0 VP-P (negative synchronous)
Control interface: RS232/485 / Remote/Alarm
Placed temperature: -20 ℃ + 60 ℃ TO
Working temperature: -10 ℃ + 50 ℃ TO
Paching and size, weight: this instrument package for the standard wooden boxes, car and stents camera and 38 kilograms, computers and monitors 15 kg, the total gross 53 kg; Car volume: long 65 CM * wide 55 CM * high 115 CM
Configuration of host:
1) SONY 8 million pixels handheld vaginal lens camera;
2) All the metal belt round lens stents;
3) High performance configuration vaginal mirror host;
4) Independent development of the latest vaginal mirror image processing the original new software;
5) Manufacture progressive-scan high-definition medical image processing card;
6) The camera video control row line (including the images, remote control, etc.);
7) The camera external power adapter, 12 V power computer interface baffle the board.
(printer for matching, need to purchase another).
Configuration of computer:
The mainboard: 865 MIMSUN
CPU: C4 2.4 and fan
Memory: 1 G
Hard drive: 160 G the serial interface
Monitor: 14 "LCD screen displays
Power supply: 350 W power supply
Other parts: the keyboard, the new handheld camera lens


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